in association with Avans Hogescholen and Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten

performers, lectors and audience during the test-sessions of Exchange Project

Stuff, services, entertainment, knowledge, nonsense.
People exchange with each other all day long. In Western society, this exchange is increasingly taking on the character of a transaction: the exchange of goods and services for money. The
Exchange Project examines what happens when we question or change the routines of market forces.

With the Exchange Project Breda dance company The100Hands and lecturers Godelieve Spaas (Economy in Common) and Falk Huebner (Artistic Connective Practices) explore what happens when you put the relationship at the center of exchanging things instead of money. They do this from their conviction that strength and resilience of a community arise from connections existing within it. This makes exchanges an important building block for a healthy economy and society. With a lecture performance, an interactive performance and an exposition, they question the working and values ​​of exchange and investigate together with the audience what other ways of exchange are conceivable and what they can bring forward.

In the physical performance a group of dancers and musicians invites you to look at exchanges when not everything has been set-up in advance, when numbers and words disappear and exchange becomes physical (again) and personal. In an alternation of observing, doing, experiencing and reflecting, you rediscover what exchange means to you, as well as meeting other people’s perspectives on it. An invitation is there to look beyond the superficial differences between people to the value of exchange itself. Whether you prefer to observe from the side or want to be in the middle of what is happening, Exchange Project offers space to experience various points of view side by side. Be welcome and come as you are!

Good to know: The language of instruction is (simple) English. During the performance you are invited to interact with other attendees in a safe way.

Are you less mobile? Then you can indicate this just before the performance.

Unfortunately, this performance is less suitable for people with reduced vision or hearing impairment.

Concept, text and dramaturgy: Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj
Concept, text and choreography: Jasper Džuki Jelen
Knowledge sharing: Godelieve Spaas (Avans University of Applied Sciences), Falk Hübner (Fontys Academy for the Arts)
Dance: Alkis Barbas, Bryan Atmopawiro, Myrthe Marchal, Emma Thomson (internship)
Music composition: ArthurMusic
Music performance: Abel Ton
Costumes: Esther Sloots
Production: Lucienne Wouters
Technique: Aydan Veldt (Show Alliance)
Photography: Barbara Medo
Made possible by: Performing Arts Fund, Municipality of Breda, DansBrabant, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Gravin van Byland Foundation.

The lecture performance is a contemporary ritual in which Godelieve Spaas (Avans University of Applied Sciences), Mojra Vogelnik Škerlj (The100Hands) and Falk Hübner (Fontys Academy for the Arts) immerse everyone present in an alchemical vessel full of personal experiences, practical examples, science and age-old traditions that offer you various perspectives on economics. So don't expect an ordinary PowerPoint lecture, but rather contradictory sources of knowledge, reflective assignments and critical questions that initiate a dialogue about exchange, value and a new economy.

Good to know: During the lecture you are invited to interact with other attendees in a safe way. The official language is English.

Concept: Godelieve Spaas and Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj
Research and lecture: Godelieve Spaas (Avans University of Applied Sciences), Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj (The100Hands), Falk Hübner (Fontys Academy for the Arts)
Sound: Falk Hübner
Technique: Aydan Veldt (Show Alliance)
Photography: Barbara Medo
Co-production: Avans University of Applied Sciences, The100Hands, Fontys Academy of the Arts

The exposition 'Alchemy of Exchange' offers a glimpse into the process of collaboration, the ‘exchange’, between the domains of art, science and entrepreneurship on which Exchange Project is based.

The exposition is set up as a multi-layered cloud of things, a work-in-progress, a peek into the living process of ‘exchange’. The collection of stories, audio recordings, video elements, visual translations and self-reflection assignments reveal how a cross-domain research of the phenomenon of 'exchange' leads to a range of valuable insight, output and applications. Alchemy of Exchange shows how linear and factual realities go well together with the personal, emotional and imaginary.

The exposition can be seen in Spiegelruimte in Willem Twee in Den Bosch during the Who owns the economy festival in the period 5-22 October 2023.

Concept and composition: Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj (The100Hands) 
Texts, stories, sound, video and visuals from, among others: Godelieve Spaas, Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj, Falk Hübner, Dagmar Baumann, Jasper Džuki Jelen, performers and visitors of the Exchange Project.
Design: Adam Oostenbrink (a.k.a. Mr.Adam)
Photography: Barbara Medo
Made possible by: Municipality of Breda


See AGENDA for upcoming events.

Lecture performance
08/10/2023 Who owns the economy? festival Den Bosch, NL
19/09/2023 Fontys Connective Practices Tilburg, NL
28/06/2023 DansBrabant Tilburg, NL

Physical performance
13/06/2024 Nieuwe Veste Breda, NL
08/10/2023 Who owns the economy? festival Den Bosch, NL
06/10/2023 Chassé Theater Breda, NL
05/10/2023 Chassé Theater Breda, NL
24/06/2023 festival Buiten de Dijk Monnickendam, NL
21/06/2023 DansBrabant Tilburg, NL
25/05/2023 Podium Bloos Breda, NL

17/11/2022 Podium Bloos Breda, NL
22/10/2022 Future of Work ’s Hertogenbosch, NL


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